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A View from Our Kids

The sandwich generation is considered those who are raising children, and actively caring for a parent.   At this time time I am one of the many in the sandwich phase.  I will not sugar coat and tell you that it is easy.  It is not easy.  I am raising children to become independent and fly from our home to begin their own home.  On the other hand I am watching my mom end her flight of independence and asking her to trust me as she begins to lose the abilities she once has.  Is this fair?  NOPE!! However, it has given me a platform to teach our kids what it means to care for another selflessly as a family.   We have open discussions about the disease of dementia and what it takes from a person.  What things others need help with and other areas that we need to just smile and chuckle.  So, this has allowed my kids to step up and take a small piece of responsibility with YiaYia.   Each in their own small way.

 Being the oldest Brynn has the fondest memories of my mom.  She can recall the memories when Yia Yia was not confused, had a filter, and remembered things.  Brynn now enjoys helping Mom set up for Christmas, doing a daily check-in, Hallmark, and being her co-pilot to navigate her drive to local known places.

   My sweet Madelyn has a heart for people that cannot think on her own.  She is the first to tell me the cRazy odd things Yia Yia does, and we have had to discuss harmful vs tattling.  In her sweet nature she is the first to help her get something, help her out of a chair, get down at her level and ask her questions.  

Dax-Dax and YiaYia fight.  YES! They get on each others nervous quickly.  So, his job has been to keep her on her toes.  He helps her by noting the things she has forgotten and giving life into her days. He also enjoys Yia Yia's fast food habit.  He is the first person to volunteer to go eat Burger King or Wendy's with her.  He enjoys a a good greasy cheese burger and coke.    

So, when I sit back and look I am grateful for these moments.  They are allowing our kids to serve and learn about another.  They are creating memories that will be there for a lifetime. 
