Over the last three years my kids have had a first hand experience with learning about some of the hard topics of life.
In 2020 my best friend and their Aunt E was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. Over the next six months we were given the opportunity to be an extension of her family. We lived the good days, hard days, and experienced God's healing together.
In 2021 as a family we were preparing for a fun week in Michigan to enjoy the lakeshore, family, and camp. As we arrived that late June afternoon my Dad met us at the door. His strong character and stance was not there. He was weak and tired. Instead of wanting to fish with the kids he slowly made his way down the stairs to watch from the couch. A few hours into the visit I learned the Cancer had returned and we were going to get results later that week of the next steps. Little did we know he had a few days left and we were going to make some of the toughest decisions of our life. Ten days later my dad took his last breathe on this side of glory. As we prepared 5, 8, and an 11 year old to say goodbye we had to hold onto the truth that this is our earthly home. On his last day here on earth he was in and out of consciousness he had a request that I get his hat as he was going home. Well he went home that evening. Now to his earthly home, but his heavenly home.
John 16:22
So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. ”
Our hard conversations once again continued in 2022. Dad had moved to his heavenly home, and it was time for mom to move also. Mom had shown some signs of memory loss and we had already begun this process, and it was more evident. Our family knew that we needed to help. A few months after she moved here the doctor confirmed what we already knew mom had dementia.
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