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Small Declines

 Over the last few months mom has had family friends visit her.  Secretly I think I LOVE the visitors as much as she does.   They bring a sense of home to me. They encourage me through this journey.  They also bring eyes into her home and share.   The last two sets of visitors have affirmed my views that we see in the last few months.

1. Conversations-At this time Mom has a difficult time carrying on conversations.  She is able to state her facts to you, but is not able to conversate as once was.  Open and deep conversations are no more.   

2. Driving- Mom is still able to drive around town.  She is able to drive within a 10 minute radius of her home.   All other locations Matt and I take her.  

3. Hallmark- Hallmark is Mom's favorite TV show.  She spends a LARGE amoutnt of her day watching shows and playing on her IPAD.

4.  Routine-Mom has a routine and follows it.  Mom's routine includes breakfast, a work out class, bible study, and chorus class.  Even when visitors are here she needs her routine to stay balanced.  She will leave to ensure she is there.
